It was all prepared, this last Tuesday, at the Catalonia Parliament for a full approval of the Hard Rock Casino project. But, in the end, this approval was only gained partially.
The argument to halt such project is now related with the Comuns initiative to stop all projects that have a high water consumption as this one. But the interesting curiosity of this partial approval was not due to a principle but rather based on a mistake of the vote done by two Socialist deputies. They misunderstood the sense of voting and voted against when they wanted to vote favorable. As so the voting to halt the project has won with 51 votes against 50. Despite this anecdote event the Generalitat president has underlined, last Wednesday, that the Hard Rock project will not be stopped based on all the legal consequences it would have on the already signed commitments. Hard Rock project has always raised a lot of passions but now it’s more actual then never as it’s the big protagonist within the budget negotiations for Catalunia.